Technical growing media
Our expert knowledge of potting soils and growing media substrates enables our teams to provide you with the technical advice you will need to carry out your project. Our technical support enables us to respond to specific issues, such as the reconstruction of soils with a high risk of compaction, resurfacing of your grassed areas and even suitable substrates for the surfaces of sports fields. We can also provide tailor-made solutions to meet your most specific requirements. Contact us now.
Thanks to its adapted flax substrate, you can enjoy a green and permeable parking space for light vehicles. Do you want a paved car parking spot, mixed with an infill of grass in your car park? We have the substrate and adapted growing media to help with all such projects: a soil-stone mix, bedding for the support of your slabs or special infill for the grassed areas between the slabs.
Our special flax potting soil for lawns contains all the nutrients necessary to optimise the growth of grass. Need to improve your productivity? Our seed and substrate mix is ideal. Our green potting soil and the special pre-turfed potting soil are specially developed for the creation and maintenance of golf courses and sports fields. They constitute an "all in one" solution.
Terreau Flore Bleue offers a variety of products from which we can make a custom formulation according to your request and particualr needs. We can, for example, adapt the special terrace growing medium by adding elements to meet the technical characteristics of the land where it will be used. For instance, for a sports field, we can prepare a formulation with more or less sand as required. Customised formulations allow us to offer you more than 300 formulas to meet your specific requirements. Enriched, lightened and sandier formulations are all possible... We compose your required growing media to order.
Terreau Flore Bleue
198 Rue des Landes
76940 Notre-Dame-de-Bliquetuit
Open Monday to Thursday 8am to 12pm and from 1.30pm to 5pm,
Friday 8am to 12pm and from 1.30pm to 4pm
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