The TELERAD VDB system is specifically tailored to meet or exceed the VDB GBAS and LAAS, requirements. The EM9009 Transmitter is designed to broadcast the GPS correction data.
The TELERAD VDB system is specifically tailored to meet or exceed the VDB GBAS, GAS and LAAS, requirements. the RE9009 Receiver permits to monitor the VDB signal in space.
The ANT9009H transmit antenna has been designed for GBAS VHF Data Broadcast. It is composed of two levels of H-POL orthogonal half-wave dipoles and it provides an omnidirectional.
The Airborne DGPS VHF Data Broadcast receiver RB9009A has been designed for CAT I and SCAT I operation in the 108.025- 117.950 MHz frequency range
Note : Mechanical characteristics can be customized to meet customer’s needs.
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